Hmm.. that my friends, is a good question.
Why do I sometimes contemplate setting up a tripod, making my bed look all fancy, holding a cup of tea tight to my chest, while smiling sweetly at the camera - captured "slow Sundays *coffee cup emoji*". Honestly, when I really think about it that way, I honestly couldn't tell you. However would I be suspect to double tapping on a Zoella post of her posed in a staged position in her bathroom, holding her dog, that reads; "Happy Monday!". You're damn right I would. I have had countless friends say things like 'I just don't get it' ' I'm just not one of these posey type of girls' 'she must be so self obsessed with all these self timered photos' - and yes, I get that. As much as my mum co-operates with taking my blog photos for me (ta ma) - she will occasionally make the odd comment of 'what is this trend about?! everyone obsessed over pictures of themselves' - which again, I get why people would think this.
{Harvey Nicks coffee & hot choc on NYD19, Solo walk on the Downs with Theo}
{When you leave a coat behind but just have to go back for it - Warehouse}
I've always been a chronic over sharer. Bebo, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it - I had a zuped up profile. I love talking about whats going on in my life, private or not. I'm quite the blabber mouth really.. I will talk about anything and everything and am the biggest advocate of a 'problem shared, a problem halved'. I like gaining advice and knowledge from others and I am the biggest 'follower' ever - the perfect marketing target, you could say. Both my mum and dad talk A, LOT, and I'm guessing I gained this trait from them. As much as I always love the thought of being a quaint, quiet and private person - I just can't help but talk about my problems, have a good gossip, share everything I've been up to and listen to peoples life tales in return.
{Walks with mum & Theo on Whiteladies - discovered a cute new pub}
{Drinks on G road with Christina & new pal Juliette}
I feel like Instagram is an absolute minefield these days and used for SO MUCH. Anything from a tattoo business, to showing friends and family a new baby, to documenting a cosmetic procedure, to posting poetry, a lego collection, a pet, or even different types of slime you can make, (a personal fave). Obviously a boy who follows me whose only into gaming will find it weird that I post photos of candles I bought in Aldi or continuous photos of me posing in multiple outfits that look the same, with weird hashtags that make no sense (they get you reach and recognition amongst the blogging community okay?). Just as I would find it weird if I was following a girl who.. I dunno, loved taking photos of.. car tyres. I'd be like 'why TF is she taking all these photos of car tyres?'. Sometimes thats how I feel about Instagram. I feel like a lot of people either don't get it, don't feel creative enough for it, get jealous that you have the guts to post vulnerable talking stories/outfit pictures on there for the world to see, or of course, just aren't interested.
{More new pub discoveries with mum & Theo}
{The mol's getting cosy - Theo got a haircut - he hates it}
I'm lucky enough to not have any comments/opinions etc that are ~too~ personal, regarding me and my posting habits, albeit the odd bitchy one (in real life as well as online!!?). Sometimes I can almost feel people judging me for posting what I do on my Instagram, but at the same time, whose hang up is that? not mine honey. If I want to put an outfit together, to then pose in it outside of a pretty house/backdrop, I will. For aaaages and ages I felt as though I wasn't 'good enough' for the likes of Instagram/blogging, quite literally just because I wasn't tanned, I wasn't blonde, I didn't have lip filler and I wasn't deemed 'typically attractive'. So stoopid - I know.
{Won a FB competition for a free Kilo at a Vintage sale! Went with Tara + Theo, met Christina and Manda there}
{Went to VX Bristol for the first time, tried their vegan burger + mac'n'cheese, Tara had this insane looking freakshake - all Vegan and delish}
I love getting all dressed up and actually producing something thats fun and interesting - I love looking back at outfits I've put together or places I've been etc. over the years. It's just my thing, I guess? Am I getting paid for it like most ~influencers~? no. I used to think that made me completely invalid to post photos of my outfit or flatlays of makeup I've bought or snippets of my bedroom, like, mate - you've got under 1k followers - do think anyone actually cares about little Madeleine Grace's posts? Which is stupid. If you enjoy posting photos, whatever the content, why should you worry what others think? I feel like I'm not the only one who has that little negative nancy in their head though, right?
{My first taste of working from home and Theo couldn't get enough.. he also turned 3 this month!}
{My baby niece continuing to make us all laugh all the time + more coffee dates with mum}
Anyway, there we have it - I like posting photos online, because I damn well do. I like looking back at memories and I always have and always will. I was the girl on nights out that would make sure I had room in my bag for a hefty digital camera before cameras on phones was a thing, I'm the one who always makes sure I had photos of pretty much every moment - Weather changes? photo. My niece got a new outfit? photo. My dog got a hair cut? photo. Something funny happened in the kebab shop on a night out? PHOTO. I am that girl - I've always been slightly ashamed of her, but from now on FUCK IT. If I want to post a photo of new skincare I've bought or staged photos of me posing - I WILL OKAY? #toopassiveaggressie?? lols.
{It snowed a HELL of a lot over one night and I was too nervvy to drive to work - look how cute my little babies look looking out the window}
{I mean it snowed lots...}
As I'm finishing this blog post I've just hit 1k followers on my Instagram - GOOD BYE #discoverunder1k HASHTAG FUCKERS. Ps thanks if you follow me for my weird/wonderful/'stylish' updates :) xoxo
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